Monday, January 18, 2016


I have been thinking long and hard these last couple days; and after a lot of thought, I think I will be withdrawing out of Pathway this week (NOTHING has been officially decided yet though). Between my kids schooling and their homework, doctors appointment, trying to see what is going on with my oldest, their attitudes, my issues, money, being physically, mentally and begining to get Spiritually exhausted (since I have no one in my life and at my home physically to help me), I am spread to thin and can't keep track of everything anymore, I have no one to back me up or take over when I need help. I am deeply saddened but I have prayed and haven't come up with answers to my questions.
I am getting frustrated and more irritable these days. I probably have Osteoarthritis which will make it more difficult to do anything.I am extremely sad, but at this moment I think it is the best.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

This week

This week (week 1 since starting) I realized just how much murmuring does not make any situation better, it can however make it worse. I also learned that just because Nephi was Highly Favored by the Lord he still had to go through trials. We all have to go through trials to gain knowledge and become what God wants us to become. He has the big picture while we have a tiny picture. We must have faith in what Heavenly Father wants and needs us to do. If we don't have Faith we have nothing because there would be nothing....just a dark abyss.
I have been on both ends - a Faithful disciple and a rebel. I love being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I have know the cold and loneliness of not having someone to rely on and I know the comfort and love of my Saviors sacrifice. Had it not been for the Savior and Heavenly Father (and my mom and brother of course) I would not be here today. I have been saved many times.
I try not to murmur, but that is definitely something I need to work on. I love reading the scriptures, I just need to learn how to study and ponder them to understand them.
I think if we all try our hardest and truly believe in God, the Savior and the Holy Ghost during our trials and lean on them, they will carry us through them safely. We are meant to be shaped and molded.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

First Blog

Hi all! I am new, yet not new to blogging. This specific blog will be for me school. It is to help me "Put It All Together" , in other words tell what I have learned each week. I have never been good at blogging, so I will see how this goes. I will post at the minimum 1 post each week - if not more. My next entry will be later this week at the due date for my post is closer. For now this is all! Good night.