Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Make me smile

 She makes me smile

Without even trying

She comforts me in a way

I never thought possible

She crosses my mind daily

I guess she never really left

When all you want to do is hug her

Make her pain disappear

Hold her in your arms

Talking about the future

Talking about your hopes and dreams

You fears and frustrations

What you want out of life

When just being near her

Sparks a light in you

When you get so excited

When you hear from her

You just want to hear all about her day

Why she did what she did, what makes her happy and sad

Just hear her passions, calm her demons

To look in her eyes and see her passion

To feel her heartbeat and her breathing

Smell her sweet scent

Feel the curves of her face

Feel her beautiful soul

Put a smile on her face

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